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Looking to integrate our shipping solution via API? API keys can be made available to you. When API keys are given, you will have access to the following APIs:

Address: Create, update, delete and retrieve addresses. Validate addresses.

Invoice: Download invoices and invoice detail. View pending transactions. Find an invoice that a specific shipment is on.

Shipment: Create, quote, queue, void, retrieve and track shipments. Shipments by date range. Full tracking history by shipment. Coming soon: International shipments and customs documents.

If you would like to gain access to our API keys, please email from the email address you have on file with us, include your client ID number, and request for the API keys.

We strongly recommend that you create a secondary account (with either “test” or “demo” as part of the username) to be used for testing purposes. Once it has been created, include the client ID of the new account in your email to us and request that it be converted to a demo account.